Design Engineering Project List

GTU Design Engineering Project List

 For Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics And Communication,Automobile,ETC..Students

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List of Projects Definitions For Electrical,Electronics,IC Students.

  • Construction of Central Control unit for Irrigation 
  • Voice operated intelligent Lift or Elevator 
  • Automatic geo-positioning and SMS alerts on road traffic density
  •  Head movement based voice enabled wireless device switching for physically challenged
  • Bluetooth based advanced wireless home automation system 
  • Smart Card and GPS based automatic bus ticketing system for travelled distance.
  • RFID and GSM based intelligent courier mailbox system with automatic delivery notification. 
  • Construction of Smart mobile phone with driving mode selection to avoid accidents.
  • Patient monitoring system using GSM for hospitals and old aged homes. 
  • GPS and GSM based Real time Human Health Monitoring and Alert System for Cardiac patients.
  • Touch screen and Zigbee based advanced automation system for next generation apartments.
  • Advanced Vehicle Security System with Theft control and Accident Notification.
  • Wearable Technology based secure access control system with motion based password.
  • Intelligent train security system and auto controlling.
  • Android Smart Phone operated Intelligent Home.
  • Talking Touch Home (TTH).
  • Library automation using RFID. 
  • Touch screen based wheel chair control system. 
  • Touch screen based remote controlled robot with wireless video camera.
  • Touch screen operated Volumetric Oil Dispenser 
  • GPS based data logger and real time vehicle tracking with GSM. 
  • GPS and GSM based office cab monitoring, alerting and logging system
  • Automatic taxi Trip Sensing and Indicating System through GSM. 
  • GPS based train location tracking system with SMS facility. 
  • Microcontroller based virtual boundary/fencing for Animal Movement Control.
  • GPS based station name announcement and display system for Trains/buses.
  • GPS based border alert system for fishermen with boat speedometer.
  • Travel assistant for blind with dynamic user input for location based alerts.
  • SMS Based DC Motor Speed Controller with password protection.
  •  Home security System based on LPG gas, Smoke and Fire Sensors with SMS based alerts
  • GSM based digital Notice board with display on GLCD display. 
  • GSM based digital Notice board with display on PC Monitor. 
  • Dual GSM Modems based irrigation water pump controller for illiterates.
  • Voice enable device switching for physically challenged and emergency alerts 
  • through SMS. 
  • 3-phase irrigation motor monitoring and Auto-controlling based on GSM technology. 
  • Prepaid energy meter using GSM. 
  • Temperature based Fan Speed Controller and SMS alerts using GSM modem. 
  • UPS battery monitoring system over GSM for high availability systems centre
  • RFID and GSM based Advanced Vehicle parking slot booking system.
  • Student data logging system into college website based on RFID. 
  • DTMF controlled bomb detecting robot 
  • Vehicle count and Speed Display System for High ways and high speed alerts with vehicle number Plate
  • Inside pipe crawling robot with Video transmission and head lamp vision 
  • RFID based bus identification system for blind with voice. 
  • RFID Card based security access control systems.
  • RFID based Highway toll collection
  • RFID based Shopping trolley.
  • RFID based employee login system and identification display on PC. 
  • A smart card based prepaid electricity system. 
  • RFID based automatic car parking system. 
  • RFID based animal tracking system. 
  • RFID based prepaid card for petrol station.
  • RFID based medical information system 
  • Innovative Congestion Control System for Ambulance
  • Electronic Notice Board with Multi Point Receiver.
  • Implementation of wireless sensors network for Wild Fire monitoring system 
  • A Novel Wireless Self-powered Microcontroller-based Monitoring Circuit for Photovoltaic Pane
  • Wireless Temperature Sensor Integrated Circuits 
  • Wireless Heartbeat Monitoring and Alert system
  • Checking & Auto Control Water Level Using Wireless Sensor.
  • Wireless 3 Phase Motor Starter using RF Technology with feedback indicators.
  • Accident identification project using RF. 
  • Finding of missing object based on RF technology.
  • Designing painting robot using spray gun tool. 
  • Designing and construction of Movable robotic arm. 
  • Solar Powered Vehicle/Car with ultrasonic sensors (LCD voltage display).
  • MEMS Accelerometer based Hands Gesture controlled Robot 
  • Fire fighting ROBO.
  • ROBO leg for physically challenged.
  • Hand Gestures controlled Intelligent Wheelchair.
  • DTMF based human less boat control for ocean research applications. 
  • Mobile phone controlled four-legged walking robot with speed and direction control. 
  • PC controlled wireless Robot with live human detection. 
  • Micro Electro Mechanical Sensor (MEMS) Accelerometer based self-balancing robot.
  • Live Human being detection wireless remote controlled Robot. (Useful for detection of terror 
  • Speech recognition based password enabled device switching for blind and physically challenge
  • Voice commands based wheel chair for physically challenged. 
  • Automatic fall detection and activity monitoring for elderly. 
  • Solar Tracking Street Light System. 
  • Call Based Home Appliance Controller 
  • DTMF controlled soil-moisture sensor.
  • Safety implementation for 3-phase irrigation motor using Soil-moisture sensor and temperature 
  • PC Controlled Industrial Devices with 8-relay board. 
  • Design of Coffee Cup for Alerting (Vibrations & buzzer) Blind People. 
  • Microcontroller based Bank Lockers Safety System using Digital Key Password with Door Access 
  • Secure Password Protected Bank Locker Controlling using Mobile Technologies.
  • Automatic Active Phase selector for single phase load from three phase supply.
  • Petrochemical Level Indicator and Controller for Automation of cotton purification  
  • Infrared (IR) remote controlled Muscle Stimulator with duration and intensity control
  • Real-time Heartbeat Monitoring system with display on Graphical LCD and alerting system.
  • Voice enabled devices switching for visually impaired. 
  • Microcontroller based online examination system with dynamic questions.

List of Projects Definitions  [ Mechanical / Mechatronics / Automobile]  

Generalized Project List For Mechanical / Production /Automobile Egg. 
1. Fabrication of adaptive head lamps for four wheelers 
2. Fabrication of new type of motorized wheel chair and personal vehicle for handicapped         people 
3. Fabrication of PCB drilling machine 
4. Fabrication of automated industrial bag opener 
5. Fabrication of adaptive braking vehicle 
6. Fabrication of versatile bench for home gym 
7. Fabrication of portable device for back exercise 
8. Fabrication of future car 
9. Fabrication of Automated four bar mechanism 
10. Fabrication of coconut tree Sprayer 
11. Fabrication of water level sensing crane for motor pump 
12. Fabrication of solar irrigation system 
13. Fabrication of solar powered tree leaf cutting machine 
14. Fabrication of water powered water lifting machine 
15. Fabrication of two wheeler water lifting pump 
16. Fabrication of water heater using home refrigerator 
17. Fabrication of solar water heater using parabolic solar collector 
18. Fabrication of thermal power plant using solar energy 
19. Fabrication of composite solar cooker 
20. Fabrication of solar water heater 
21. Fabrication of electricity generation unit using steam energy 
22. Fabrication of remote controlled hazardous material handling system 
23. Fabrication of industrial temperature analyzing robot 
24. Fabrication of Fire fighting robot 
25. Fabrication of metal / mines detector robot
26. Fabrication of voice controlled material handling robot 
27. Fabrication of special robotic vehicle for bomb defusing squad 
28. Fabrication of robotic hand 
29. Fabrication of six legged robotic device 
30. Fabrication of eight legged robotic device 
31. Fabrication of electromagnetic punching machine 
32. Electrical super changing of IC engine 
33. Fabrication of solar still 
34. Fabrication of computer operated dual size drilling machine. 
35. Fabrication of sweeper robot 
36. Fabrication of robotic wheel chairFabrication of single stage flying spy robot
37. Fabrication of dual stage flying spy aerial vehicle 
38. Fabrication of remote operated pick and place robot with video interface 
39. Fabrication of IR controlled roof mounted crane robot for industries 
40. Fabrication of automatic electric power steering 
41. Fabrication of automobile painting robotic system 
42. Fabrication of road cleaning and scrap collecting robotic vehicle 
43. Fabrication of variable speed electric hack saw 
44. Fabrication of motorized material lifting pallet for bulky goods 
45. Fabrication of Sensor operated auto feeding punching machine 
46. Fabrication of power saving slaughter machine 
47. Fabrication of pipe bending machine 
48. Fabrication of robotic vacuum cleaner 
49. Fabrication of coconut tree climbing machine 
50. Fabrication of Spark plug testing machine 
51. Fabrication of automatic dam gate control system 
52. Fabrication of tomato grader 
53. Fabrication of over speed indication and automated braking system for four wheelers 
54. Fabrication of four wheel steering system
55. Fabrication of parallel parking vehicle 
56. Fabrication of 360 degree turning vehicle 
57. Fabrication of regenerative braking vehicle 
58. Fabrication of in wheel motor 
59. Fabrication of electric car jack 
60. Fabrication of wind power generation system using railway 
61. Fabrication of electromagnetic braking vehicle
62. Fabrication of robotic assembly line for sorting
63. Fabrication of stair climbing robot 
64. Fabrication of automatic document disposal machine 
65. Fabrication of vacuum lift machine 
66. Fabrication of device for economical super charging 
67. Economical anti theft system for two-wheeler 
68. Fabrication of lawn mover 
69. Fabrication of micro hydro electrical turbine 
70. Fabrication of electromagnetic embossing machine 
71. Fabrication of mixture separator conveyer belt 
72. Fabrication of electromagnetic shearing machine 
73. Fabrication of various gym machines 
74. Fabrication of electromagnetic ramming machine 
75. Fabrication of electrically operated portable rammer 
76. Fabrication of battery operated motorized portable crane 
77. Fabrication of solar desalination plant 
78. Fabrication of multipurpose dryer using solar composite collector 
79. Fabrication of bicycle operated water lifting pump 
80. Fabrication of night light system for bullock cart using self power 
81. Fabrication of solar powered tree leaves cutting machine 
82. Fabrication of air suspended wind mill
83. Fabrication of self power generating buildings 
84. Fabrication of vertical axis wind mill 
85. Fabrication of wind energy turbine for railways 
86. Fabrication of solar powered portable exhaust fan for cars 
87. Fabrication of solar powered automatic railway gate 
88. Fabrication of solar irrigation system 
89. Fabrication of wind mill for water lifting and electricity generation 
90. Fabrication of water wheel 
91. Fabrication of solar operated portable sprayer for nursery 
92. Fabrication of hydro electricity generation unit 
93. Fabrication of footstep electricity generation unit 
94. Fabrication of device for compress air generation using speed breaker
95. Fabrication of cruise control system for two wheelers 
96. Fabrication of pneumatic bumper for four wheelers 
97. Fabrication of manually powered flywheel based battery charger
98. Fabrication of versatile robotic platform 
99. Fabrication of remote operated conveyer belt 
100. Fabrication of remote controlled paint spraying machine 
101. Fabrication of motorized folding ladder for emergency rescues 
102. Fabrication of electrically operated vegetable cutter for hospitality industries 
103. Fabrication of electrically operated hammer 
104. Fabrication of composite grain separator 
105. Fabrication of demonstrative model of hovercraft 
106. Fabrication of model of tidal energy turbine 
107. Fabrication of solar operated spray pump 
108. Fabrication of solar operated duster 
109. Fabrication of vermi-compost separator 
110. Fabrication of flywheel based battery charger 
111. Fabrication of demonstrative model of wind energy turbine 
112. Fabrication of stair case lift 
113. Fabrication of hydraulic jack 
114. Fabrication of automatic path finding vehicle 
115. Fabrication of model demonstrating wind mill as supplementary power source for                   electric vehicles 
116. Fabrication of automatic railway gate controller 
117. Fabrication of motorized material handling pallet 
118. Fabrication of automated high/low beam selector 
119. Fabrication of automated wiper control system 
120. Fabrication of obstacle sensing and path changing vehicle 
121. Fabrication of aerial vehicle 
122. Fabrication of gravity engine 
123. Fabrication of solar inverter 
124. Fabrication of water purifying bicycle 
125. Fabrication of wind tunnel for vehicle aerodynamics testing 
126. Fabrication of remote operated weapon system 
127. Fabrication of automated multi-floor car parking system for four wheelers
128. Fabrication of swing electricity generation unit 
129. Fabrication of solar chimney for thermo dynamic effect 
130. Fabrication of solar chimney for electricity generation effect 
131. Fabrication of electric two wheeler 
132. Fabrication of demonstrative model of fish like propulsion system 
133. Fabrication of can crushing mechanism 
134. Fabrication of goods carrier across stair 
135. System ensuring seat belt application 
136. Advance antitheft system for two wheeler 
137. Fabrication of demonstrative model of tube to tube plate welding robot 
138. Fabrication of automatic electromagnetic shearing machine 139. Fabrication of manual         spring testing machine 
140. Fabrication of magnetic separator 
141. Fabrication of versatile robotic arm 
142. Fabrication of speed breaker electricity generation unit 
143. Fabrication of solar operated personal cooler 
144. Fabrication of robotic excavator 
145. Fabrication of robotic land loader 
146. Fabrication of automatic bottle feeding plant 
147. Fabrication of split bay robotic vehicle 
148. Fabrication of caterpillar robot 
149. Fabrication of demonstrative model of remote operated extreme load carrying robotic interconnecting units 
150. Fabrication of rope climbing machine 
151. Fabrication of air powered vehicle 
152. Fabrication of solar operated winnowing machine 
153. Fabrication of ball throwing machine for cricket practice 
154. Fabrication of PC operated versatile robotic vehicle 
155. Fabrication of PC operated surveillance robot 
156. Fabrication of selectively permeable barrier for old bridges 
157. Fabrication of engine oil tester 158. Fabrication of articulated robotic vehicle 
159. Fabrication of efficient centralized evaporative cooling system 
160. Fabrication of solar operated tricycle 
161. Fabrication of f solar powered automatic escalator 
162. Fabrication of fogging machine 
163. Fabrication of multipurpose cooler 
164. Fabrication of Two wheeler mileage testing machine 
165. Fabrication of PC controlled winding machine 
166. Fabrication of lifting and transporting machine 
167. Fabrication of remote operated weapon system 
168. Fabrication of shot blasting machine 
169. Fabrication of fully automatic hydraulic braking system 
170. Fabrication of double drum wet grinder 
171. Fabrication of variable height vehicle 
172. Fabrication of sewage water treatment plant 
173. Fabrication of remote controlled motorized zip crane
174. Fabrication of transformer heat reduction system 
175. Fabrication of device for production compressed air using vehicular suspension 
176. Fabrication of Solar powered portable grinding machine 
177. Fabrication of remote controlled tilting chair for physically handicapped person 
178. Fabrication of fully automatic chapatti making machine 
179. Fabrication of coin separator machine 
180. Fabrication of electro-mechanically operated paper cup folding machine 
181. Fabrication of remote controlled waste collecting vehicle 
182. Fabrication of accident prevention system for future vehicle 
183. Fabrication of PELTON wheel turbine 
184. Fabrication of electric hack saw machine 
185. Fabrication of multistory car parking system 
186. Fabrication of electricity generating exercising bicycle 
187. Fabrication of water lifting exercising bicycle 
188. Fabrication of four wheeler, having adaptive body type for variable volume and length 189. Fabrication of automatic wind mill blade pitch controlling system 
190. Fabrication of system for engine overheating indication 
191. Fabrication of pump less evaporative cooler with cellulose pads 
192. Fabrication of efficient air cooler water cooling arrangement 
193. Fabrication of multipurpose cooler for economical home use 
194. Fabrication of additional accidental restraint system for four wheelers 
195. Fabrication of see-saw electricity generation unit 
196. Fabrication of slider electricity generation unit 
197. Fabrication of merry go round electricity generation unit 
198. Fabrication of electricity generating footpath 
199. Fabrication of rotary gate electricity generator 
200. Fabrication of motorized exercise running machine 
201. Fabrication of solar water heater 
202. Fabrication of spiral conveyer system for cotton ginning unit 
203. Fabrication of sensor based inspection conveyor system 
204. Fabrication of remote controlled material handling robotic crane for bomb squads 
205. Fabrication of Automatic dish washing machine
206. Fabrication of potato chips making machine 
207. Fabrication of floor cleaning machine 
208. Fabrication of spring loaded fan 
209. Fabrication of sheet rolling machine 
210. Fabrication of motorized sheet rolling machine 
211. Fabrication of automatic bird repellent device 
212. Fabrication of impulse turbine 
213. Fabrication of jig saw cutting machine 
214. Fabrication of circular saw machine 
215. Fabrication of steam power plant 
216. Fabrication of solar powered thermal plant for electricity generation 
217. Fabrication of electric car jack 
218. Fabrication of automated lawn mover
219. Fabrication of plate bending machine
220. Fabrication of wood turning lathe machine
221. Fabrication of automatic sliding door open/close mechanism 
222. Fabrication of motorized focus light mechanism for all directions 
223. Fabrication of solar laminator 
224. Fabrication of conceptual solar vehicle 
225. Fabrication of adaptive ground clearance vehicle 
226. Fabrication of worm robot 
227. Fabrication of table mounted grinding machine 
228. Fabrication of LPG operated water heater 
229. Fabrication of double acting composite chimney for water heating for hospitality                     industry 
230. Fabrication of robot war machine 
231. Fabrication of play ball collecting robot 
232. Fabrication of artificial fore limb for writing purpose 
233. Fabrication of car bike combo 
234. Fabrication of remote controlled robotic arms for medical operation purpose 
235. Fabrication of catapult for play war arena 
236. Fabrication of electricity generating staircase 
237. Fabrication of various accessories for car enhancement 
238. Fabrication of exhaust pipe modification, of two wheeler, for performance improvement 239. Fabrication of motorized tricycle for children 
240. Fabrication of go cart using air cooled Honda / Suzuki engine 
241. Fabrication of LPG operated generation set 
242. Fabrication of horizontal axis tidal energy turbine 
243. Fabrication of suspended water energy turbine for seas 
244. Fabrication of powered hang glider 
245. Fabrication of LPG operated iron / laminator 
246. Fabrication of linear motor 
247. Fabrication of device for demonstration of magnetic levitation and launching 
248. Fabrication of blow air material separator  
249. Fabrication of cutting and bending machine for acrylic sheet 

Automation / Mechatronics / Robotics Based Project List 

1. Fabrication of blow air material separator 
2. Fabrication of device for demonstration of magnetic levitation and launching 
3. Fabrication of linear motor 
4. Fabrication of motorized tricycle for children 
5. Fabrication of catapult for play war arena 
6. Fabrication of remote controlled robotic arms for medical operation purpose 
7. Fabrication of car bike combo 
8. Fabrication of artificial fore limb for writing purpose 
9. Fabrication of play ball collecting robot 
10. Fabrication of robot war machine 
11. Fabrication of worm robot 
12. Fabrication of adaptive ground clearance vehicle 
13. Fabrication of conceptual solar vehicle 
14. Fabrication of motorized focus light mechanism for all directions 
15. Fabrication of automatic sliding door open/close mechanism 
16. Fabrication of electric car jack 
17. Fabrication of automated lawn mover 
18. Fabrication of automatic bird repellent device 
19. Fabrication of motorized sheet rolling machine 
20. Fabrication of spring loaded fan 
21. Fabrication of potato chips making machine 
22. Fabrication of floor cleaning machine 
23. Fabrication of Automatic dish washing machine 
24. Fabrication of remote controlled material handling robotic crane for bomb squads 
25. Fabrication of sensor based inspection conveyor system 
26. Fabrication of spiral conveyer system for cotton ginning unit 
27. Fabrication of motorized exercise running machine 
28. Fabrication of additional accidental restraint system for four wheelers 
29. Fabrication of multistory car parking system 
30. Fabrication of automatic wind mill blade pitch controlling system 
31. Fabrication of four wheeler, having adaptive body type for variable volume and length 32. Fabrication of electric hack saw machine 
33. Fabrication of system for engine overheating indication 
34. Fabrication of accident prevention system for future vehicle 
35. Fabrication of remote controlled waste collecting vehicle 
36. Fabrication of electro-mechanically operated paper cup folding machine 
37. Fabrication of coin separator machine 
38. Fabrication of fully automatic chapatti making machine 
39. Fabrication of remote controlled tilting chair for physically handicapped person 
40. Fabrication of device for production compressed air using vehicular suspension
41. Fabrication of transformer heat reduction system 
42. Fabrication of remote controlled motorized zip crane 
43. Fabrication of sewage water treatment plant
44. Fabrication of variable height vehicle 
45. Fabrication of fully automatic hydraulic braking system 46. Fabrication of PC controlled         winding machine 
47. Fabrication of fogging machine 
48. Fabrication of f solar powered automatic escalator 
49. Fabrication of solar operated tricycle 
50. Fabrication of articulated robotic vehicle 
51. Fabrication of engine oil tester
52. Fabrication of selectively permeable barrier for old bridges 
53. Fabrication of PC operated surveillance robot 
54. Fabrication of PC operated versatile robotic vehicle 
55. Fabrication of ball throwing machine for cricket practice 
56. Fabrication of air powered vehicle 
57. Fabrication of solar operated winnowing machine 
58. Fabrication of rope climbing machine 
59. Fabrication of demonstrative model of remote operated extreme load carrying robotic           interconnecting units 
60. Fabrication of automatic bottle feeding plant 
61. Fabrication of caterpillar robot 
62. Fabrication of split bay robotic vehicle 
63. Fabrication of robotic land loader 
64. Fabrication of robotic excavator 
65. Fabrication of versatile robotic arm 
66. Fabrication of magnetic separator 
67. Fabrication of automatic electromagnetic shearing machine 
68. Fabrication of demonstrative model of tube to tube plate welding robot 
69. Advance antitheft system for two wheeler 
70. System ensuring seat belt application 
71. Fabrication of electric two wheeler 
72. Fabrication of regenerative braking vehicle 
73. Fabrication of 360 degree turning vehicle 
74. Fabrication of parallel parking vehicle 
75. Fabrication of four wheel steering system 
76. Fabrication of over speed indication and automated braking system for four wheelers 
77. Fabrication of automatic dam gate control system 
78. Fabrication of Spark plug testing machine 
79. Fabrication of robotic vacuum cleaner 
80. Fabrication of power saving slaughter machine 
81. Fabrication of Sensor operated auto feeding punching machine 
82. Fabrication of motorized material lifting pallet for bulky goods 
83. Fabrication of variable speed electric hack saw 
84. Fabrication of road cleaning and scrap collecting robotic vehicle 
85. Fabrication of automobile painting robotic system 
86. Fabrication of automatic electric power steering
87. Fabrication of remote operated pick and place robot with video interface 
88. Fabrication of IR controlled roof mounted crane robot for industries 
89. Fabrication of dual stage flying spy aerial vehicle 
90. Fabrication of single stage flying spy robot 
91. Fabrication of robotic wheel chair 
92. Fabrication of sweeper robot 
93. Fabrication of computer operated dual size drilling machine. 
94. Fabrication of eight legged robotic device 
95. Fabrication of electromagnetic punching machine 
96. Fabrication of six legged robotic device 
97. Fabrication of robotic hand 
98. Fabrication of special robotic vehicle for bomb defusing squad 
99. Fabrication of voice controlled material handling robot 
100. Fabrication of metal / mines detector robot 
101. Fabrication of Fire fighting robot 
102. Fabrication of industrial temperature analyzing robot 
103. Fabrication of remote controlled hazardous material handling system 
104. Fabrication of solar irrigation system 
105. Fabrication of water level sensing crane for motor pump 
106. Fabrication of Automated four bar mechanism 
107. Fabrication of adaptive braking vehicle 
108. Fabrication of automated industrial bag opener 
109. Fabrication of PCB drilling machine 
110. Fabrication of adaptive head lamps for four wheelers 
111. Fabrication of new type of motorized wheel chair and personal vehicle for handicapped         people 
112. Fabrication of automated multi-floor car parking system for four wheelers 
113. Fabrication of wind tunnel for vehicle aerodynamics testing 
114. Fabrication of remote operated weapon system 
115. Fabrication of aerial vehicle 
116. Fabrication of obstacle sensing and path changing vehicle 
117. Fabrication of automated wiper control system 
118. Fabrication of automated high/low beam selector 
119. Fabrication of motorized material handling pallet 
120. Fabrication of automatic railway gate controller 
121. Fabrication of automatic path finding vehicle 
122. Fabrication of stair case lift 
123. Fabrication of demonstrative model of hovercraft 
124. Fabrication of electrically operated hammer 
125. Fabrication of electrically operated vegetable cutter for hospitality industries 
126. Fabrication of motorized folding ladder for emergency rescues 
127. Fabrication of remote controlled paint spraying machine 
128. Fabrication of remote operated conveyer belt 
129. Fabrication of versatile robotic platform 
130. Fabrication of cruise control system for two wheelers 
131. Fabrication of self power generating buildings 
132. Fabrication of electromagnetic ramming machine
133. Fabrication of electrically operated portable rammer 
134. Fabrication of battery operated motorized portable crane 
135. Fabrication of electromagnetic shearing machine 
136. Fabrication of mixture separator conveyer belt 
137. Fabrication of electromagnetic embossing machine 
138. Economical anti theft system for two-wheeler 
139. Fabrication of automatic document disposal machine 
140. Fabrication of stair climbing robot 
141. Fabrication of electromagnetic braking vehicle 
142. Fabrication of robotic assembly line for sorting

Mechanical Agricultural Based Project List 

1. Fabrication Of coconut tree Sprayer 
2. Fabrication of water level sensing crane for motor pump 
3. Fabrication of solar irrigation system 
4. Fabrication of solar powered tree leaf cutting machine 
5. Fabrication of water powered water lifting machine 
6. Fabrication of composite grain separator 
7. Fabrication of motorized focus light mechanism for all directions 
8. Fabrication of automatic bird repellent device 
9. Fabrication of fogging machine 
10. Fabrication of solar powered tree leaves cutting machine 
11. Fabrication of night light system for bullock cart using self power
12. Fabrication of bicycle operated water lifting pump 
13. Fabrication of multipurpose dryer using solar composite collector 
14. Fabrication of solar desalination plant 
15. Fabrication of solar irrigation system 
16. Fabrication of wind mill for water lifting and electricity generation 
17. Fabrication of water wheel 
18. Fabrication of solar operated portable sprayer for nursery 
19. Fabrication of robotic land loader 
20. Fabrication of solar operated winnowing machine 
21. Fabrication of solar operated spray pump 
22. Fabrication of coconut tree climbing machine 
23. Fabrication of solar operated duster 
24. Fabrication of vermi compost separator 
25. Fabrication of tomato grader 
26. Fabrication of bicycle operated water lifting pump 
27. Fabrication of solar seed dryer 
28. Fabrication of solar water pumping system with auto solar tracking 
29. Fabrication of water pumping system using wind power 
30. Fabrication of versatile produce cutting/slicing machine for agricultural industries 
31. Fabrication of water purifying bicycle 
32. Fabrication of solar powered fencing for agricultural lands

Automobile Project List 

1. Fabrication of adaptive head lamps for four wheelers 
2. Fabrication of adaptive braking vehicle 
3. Fabrication of future car 
4. Fabrication of adaptive ground clearance vehicle 
5. Fabrication of new type of motorized wheel chair and personal vehicle for handicapped         people 
6. Fabrication of two wheeler water lifting pump 
7. Electrical super changing of IC engine 
8. Fabrication of four wheeler, having adaptive body type for variable volume and length 
9. Fabrication of sweeper robot 
10. Fabrication of robot war machine 
11. Fabrication of play ball collecting robot 
12. Fabrication of car bike combo 
13. Fabrication of various accessories for car enhancement 
14. Fabrication of linear motor 
15. Fabrication of motorized tricycle for children 
16. Fabrication of go cart using air cooled Honda / Suzuki engine 
17. Fabrication of device for demonstration of magnetic levitation and launching 
18. Fabrication of exhaust pipe modification, of two wheeler, for performance improvement 19. Fabrication of robotic wheel chair 
20. Fabrication of system for engine overheating indication 
21. Fabrication of additional accidental restraint system for four wheelers 
22. Fabrication of Spark plug testing machine 
23. Fabrication of automatic electric power steering 
24. Fabrication of over speed indication and automated braking system for four wheelers 
25. Fabrication of automobile painting robotic system 
26. Fabrication of road cleaning and scrap collecting robotic vehicle 
27. Fabrication of stair climbing robot 
28. Fabrication of automated high/low beam selector 
29. Fabrication of automated wiper control system 
30. Fabrication of obstacle sensing and path changing vehicle 
31. Fabrication of aerial vehicle 
32. Fabrication of vacuum lift machine 
33. Fabrication of variable height vehicle 
34. Fabrication of device for economical super charging 
35. Economical anti theft system for two-wheeler 
36. Fabrication of lawn mover 
37. Fabrication of demonstrative model of hovercraft 
38. Fabrication of goods carrier across stair 
39. System ensuring seat belt application 
40. Advance antitheft system for two wheeler
41. Fabrication of electric two wheeler 
42. Fabrication of demonstrative model of fish like propulsion system 
43. Fabrication of speed breaker electricity generation unit 
44. Fabrication of solar operated tricycle 
45. Fabrication of water purifying bicycle 
46. Fabrication of wind tunnel for vehicle aerodynamics testing 
47. Fabrication of remote operated weapon system 
48. Fabrication of automated multi-floor car parking system for four wheelers 
49. Fabrication of four wheel steering system 
50. Fabrication of parallel parking vehicle 
51. Fabrication of 360 degree turning vehicle 
52. Fabrication of regenerative braking vehicle 
53. Fabrication of in wheel motor 
54. Fabrication of electric car jack 
55. Fabrication of wind power generation system using railway 
56. Fabrication of electromagnetic braking vehicle 
57. Fabrication of hydraulic jack 
58. Fabrication of automatic path finding vehicle 
59. Fabrication of model demonstrating wind mill as supplementary power source for electric       vehicles
60. Fabrication of automatic railway gate controller 
61. Fabrication of Two wheeler mileage testing machine 
62. Fabrication of fully automatic hydraulic braking system 
63. Fabrication of device for production compressed air using vehicular suspension 
64. Fabrication of remote controlled tilting chair for physically handicapped person 
65. Fabrication of remote controlled waste collecting vehicle 
66. Fabrication of bicycle operated water lifting pump 
67. Fabrication of night light system for bullock cart using self power 
68. Fabrication of solar powered portable exhaust fan for cars 
69. Fabrication of pneumatic bumper for four wheelers 
70. Fabrication of special robotic vehicle for bomb defusing squad 
71. Fabrication of demonstrative model of remote operated extreme load carrying robotic           interconnecting units 
72. Fabrication of air powered vehicle 
73. Fabrication of PC operated versatile robotic vehicle 
74. Fabrication of articulated robotic vehicle 
75. Fabrication of engine oil tester 
76. Fabrication of accident prevention system for future vehicle 
77. Fabrication of multistory car parking system 
78. Fabrication of remote controlled material handling robotic crane for bomb squads 
79. Fabrication of automated lawn mover 
80. Fabrication of conceptual solar vehicle
Study Project List 
1. A Cross Flow Wind turbine 
2. Harden-ability testing of Carbon Steel 
3. Aerofoil Blades propeller 
4. Cryogenics 
5. Design of high pressure pump using CAD 
6. Plant Layout 
7. Selective Inventory Control 
8. TQM
 9. Computer Aided Analysis Of Four Bar Mechanism 

Non Conventional Energy Based Project List   

1. Fabrication of solar irrigation system 
2. Fabrication of solar powered tree leaf cutting machine 
3. Fabrication of water powered water lifting machine 
4. Fabrication of two wheeler water lifting pump 
5. Fabrication of water heater using home refrigerator 
6. Fabrication of solar water heater using parabolic solar collector 
7. Fabrication of thermal power plant using solar energy 
8. Fabrication of composite solar cooker 
9. Fabrication of solar water heater 
10. Fabrication of electricity generation unit using steam energy 
11. Fabrication of regenerative braking vehicle 
12. Fabrication of solar still 
13. Fabrication of micro hydro electrical turbine 
14. Fabrication of wind power generation system using railway 
15. Fabrication of solar desalination plant 
16. Fabrication of multipurpose dryer using solar composite collector 
17. Fabrication of bicycle operated water lifting pump 
18. Fabrication of night light system for bullock cart using self power 
19. Fabrication of solar powered tree leaves cutting machine
20. Fabrication of air suspended wind mills 
21. Fabrication of self power generating buildings 
22. Fabrication of vertical axis wind mill 
23. Fabrication of wind energy turbine for railways 
24. Fabrication of solar powered portable exhaust fan for cars 
25. Fabrication of solar powered automatic railway gate 
26. Fabrication of solar irrigation system 
27. Fabrication of wind mill for water lifting and electricity generation 
28. Fabrication of model demonstrating wind mill as supplementary power source for electric       vehicles 
29. Fabrication of solar operated portable sprayer for nursery 
30. Fabrication of hydro electricity generation unit 
31. Fabrication of footstep electricity generation unit 
32. Fabrication of device for compress air generation using speed breaker 
33. Fabrication of manually powered flywheel based battery charger 
34. Fabrication of model of tidal energy turbine 
35. Fabrication of solar operated spray pump 
36. Fabrication of solar operated duster 
37. Fabrication of flywheel based battery charger 
38. Fabrication of demonstrative model of wind energy turbine 
39. Fabrication of water wheel 
40. Fabrication of gravity engine 
41. Fabrication of solar inverter 
42. Fabrication of electricity generating staircase 
43. Fabrication of water purifying bicycle 
44. Fabrication of swing electricity generation unit 
45. Fabrication of solar chimney for thermo dynamic effect 
46. Fabrication of solar chimney for electricity generation effect 
47. Fabrication of electric two wheeler 
48. Fabrication of speed breaker electricity generation unit 
49. Fabrication of solar operated personal cooler 
50. Fabrication of air powered vehicle 
51. Fabrication of solar operated winnowing machine 
52. Fabrication of solar operated tricycle 
53. Fabrication of f solar powered automatic escalator 
54. Fabrication of Solar powered portable grinding machine 
55. Fabrication of device for production compressed air using vehicular suspension 
56. Fabrication of electricity generating exercising bicycle 
57. Fabrication of water lifting exercising bicycle 
58. Fabrication of automatic wind mill blade pitch controlling system 
59. Fabrication of see-saw electricity generation unit 
60. Fabrication of slider electricity generation unit 
61. Fabrication of merry go round electricity generation unit 
62. Fabrication of electricity generating footpath 
63. Fabrication of rotary gate electricity generator 
64. Fabrication of solar powered thermal plant for electricity generation 
65. Fabrication of solar laminator 
66. Fabrication of conceptual solar vehicle 
67. Fabrication of suspended water energy turbine for seas 

Thermal & Air conditioning Project List 

1. Fabrication of LPG operated iron / laminator
2. Fabrication of LPG operated generation set 
3. Fabrication of device for economical super charging 
4. Fabrication of exhaust pipe modification, of two wheeler, for performance improvement 
5. Fabrication of double acting composite chimney for water heating for hospitality industry 6. Fabrication of LPG operated water heater 
7. Fabrication of solar laminator 
8. Fabrication of solar powered thermal plant for electricity generation 
9. Fabrication of steam power plant 
10. Fabrication of solar water heater 
11. Fabrication of multipurpose cooler for economical home use 
12. Fabrication of efficient air cooler water cooling arrangement 
13. Fabrication of system for engine overheating indication 
14. Fabrication of pump less evaporative cooler with cellulose pads 
15. Fabrication of device for production compressed air using vehicular suspension 
16. Fabrication of transformer heat reduction system 
17. Fabrication of multipurpose cooler 
18. Fabrication of efficient centralized evaporative cooling system 
19. Fabrication of solar operated personal cooler 
20. Fabrication of air powered vehicle 
21. Fabrication of solar chimney for thermo dynamic effect 
22. Fabrication of solar chimney for electricity generation effect 
23. Fabrication of pneumatic bumper for four wheelers 
24. Fabrication of device for compress air generation using speed breaker 
25. Fabrication of hydro electricity generation unit 
26. Fabrication of solar powered portable exhaust fan for cars 
27. Fabrication of solar desalination plant 
28. Fabrication of device for economical super charging 
29. Fabrication of regenerative braking vehicle 
30. Fabrication of electricity generation unit using steam energy 
31. Fabrication of solar water heater 
32. Fabrication of water heater using home refrigerator 
33. Fabrication of thermal power plant using solar energy 
34. Fabrication of solar water heater using parabolic solar collector 
35. Fabrication of composite solar cooker 

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